Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Little Hour from Paris

The fully revised and updated second edition of SOAF member Annabel Simms's An Hour from Paris will be launched in Paris at 7.30 pm on 9 October 2008 at WH Smith, 248, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, tel 01 4477 8899.

The book describes 20 day trips to the most interesting, beautiful and littl-known places in the countryside around Paris, an hour or less away by train.  More details on and


Blogger the american frog said...

And just a little more than an hour from Paris you will find FrogBreak workshops. Kristi Anderson the orignal owner of Tea & Tattered Pages is now organising FrogBreak - 2/3 day creative workshops. Among the workshops planned are Travel Writing with Thirza Vallois an Memoir Writing with John Baxter.

Thirza Vallois is the author of the legendary Around and About Paris series. They are the most in-depth and comprehensive companions to Paris in the English language. They touch on some issues that no other travel guide to Paris deals with, precisely because as Thirza states, “my aim was to break the barrier between tourism and REAL travel which is about the exploration of another culture. Her recently published Aveyron, A Bridge to French Arcadia, already hailed as a “revelation”. Ms Vallois has lived in Paris most of her life and holds several degrees from the Sorbonne.

This course is designed for those who wish to extend their wanderlust and travelling experience. Whilst visiting local sites , Thirza will show you how to observe the world around you from different angles. Back in the classroom, you will acquire the skills of the craft that will enable you to turn a place and an encounter into a living painting and an animated story. You will learn how to grab your reader's attention, how to compel him or her into wanting to read you to the end. You are encouraged to bring along your own writing to the workshop.

John Baxter, codirector of the Paris Writers Workshop, is an acclaimed film critic and biographer. He is the author of biograhpies on Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg among others, in addition to his own autobiograhpical We’ll Always Have Paris.

Using his recently published memoir, John Baxter will be giving you insights on turning your story into your own personal "feast". Mornings will be spent in discussing the pleasures and challenges of writing personal literature in all its forms, from memoirs and autobiographies to personal essays, diaries, even letters. Attendees are encouraged to bring examples of their own work.

For dates and further information please contact Kristi Anderson or take a look at my blog

26/9/08 12:30 AM  

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