Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jacqueline Karp, ed., Reporting from Palestine 1943-44

Reporting from Palestine 1943-44 by Barbara Board, edited by SOAF member Jacqueline Karp, is just out with Five Leaves Publications (£9.99). This is a mother-and-daughter effort, with Jacqueline editing and publishing a manuscript of her mother's she found under the bed when her mother died. Barbara Board was a Middle East reporter for the Daily Sketch and the Daily Mirror between 1936 and 1946. She lived in Palestine from 1940-1946. This book, her third, was withdrawn from publication by Michael Joseph because of the post-war paper shortage... and quickly became out of date. Now her description of daily life and her meetings with people of all religious and political groups are more than topical again. And she has a knack of asking questions we are still asking today. Jacqueline has spent many months researching the background to the book and went last November to Israel and the occupied territories to meet up with descendants of people her mother talked to. Jacqueline will be at the May 27th NUJ Paris branch meeting to talk about her book.


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