Tuesday, June 24, 2008

AngloINFO keeps ahead of the times

Since its original launch eight years ago, AngloINFO is now benefiting from the most dramatic redesign in its history. As from the 27th May 2008 the AngloINFO site will have a new look.

The redesign is a response to the ever-growing amount of information the AngloINFO group websites deliver to their users. Each day we provide more and more content to our users – the challenge is making that content accessible to everyone.

To satisfy that need, the new-look sites feature a set of common navigation elements that make it straightforward to get from any one part of the site to any other. AngloINFO has so much to offer and it's important that we communicate that to everyone using the sites. The new features do a great job of telling people about the whole range of things we provide for free, from the directory of locally-relevant businesses and the reference library of INFOrmation Pages to the discussions, classifieds and the all-important guide to what's on in the region.

The new design provides a platform for plenty of new functionality, to be added over the coming months. Literally everything has been re-written, providing the base for the next phase of development as we continue with our strategy of offering more and more to our users and to our customers. Some new tools are already in place – including a massively-enhanced search function – but you can expect to see plenty of others as 2008 continues.

AngloINFO Paris-Ile de France now looks better, works better – and it's faster too. We are really excited with the changes and can’t wait to share the new features as they come online.

We are sure that the changes will bring about enhances usage and even greater benefit and return to all our customers and users.

Karen Dys
AngloINFO Paris
06 33 83 62 32


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