Monday, December 04, 2006

Secretary of SOAF

Last week I was in the craggy heights of Lower Normandy, known as La Suisse Normande, to inspect the fortified medieval town of Domfront where there had been a tragic siege back in 1574 -- a subject that I am currently writing about. In the local café I met Richard and Dawn Poupart, who represent all I have come to expect of British authors living in France: you couldn’t find a more British couple in Sussex, yet they are well integrated in the local life that they lead in this part of Normandy, and they are absolutely charming. Dawn is a first-rate literary biographer and we discussed the many editors and publishers we discovered we had in common. Richard, I was pleased to find out, knows a good deal more about computers than I. It was the sort of meeting that we at SOAF encourage.

Richard has very kindly volunteered to act as Secretary at SOAF, an offer which, on behalf of our members, I immediately accepted -- much I must say to my relief. Collating membership lists, maintaining correspondence and keeping our new Blog up to date is quite a task. I imagine we are all grateful for Richard’s help. On occasions he will be contacting you directly.

An updated Networking List should be out to you shortly, thanks to Richard’s aid. We are also actively seeking a qualified speaker who can address our members on the French Sécu, as well as answer your questions. Keep you eyes on this Blog.


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