Thursday, December 28, 2006

Agent in Paris

Shelley Power, literary agent, writes to SOAF: ‘I am an English literary agent who happens to work from Paris rather than from London. My details can be found at the end of this message and as you may tell from the Ltd, the agency is an English company, banking in London. I am not a French agent and in fact I make regular trips to London to visit authors and publishers… Anglophone writers who live in France would have the advantage with me of being able to work with someone on the same soil who is also involved in London publishing. I have only a small client list, do all my own reading and am able to offer personal attention. [Prospective authors] should bear in mind that the fact that a project is set in France, does not make me a more likely agent than someone in London since I have to sell to the same British publishers… I am interested in good fiction, literary and commercial, though not science fiction, fantasy and horror, with one exception, vampire chick-lit, a curious sub-genre following in the footsteps of "Buffy"… I am interested in non-fiction, though not academic books - members could ask me in a short email whether their subject is of interest to me. I only deal with adult books. I do not take on poetry or plays or original tv/film scripts.’

Shelley Power Literary Agency Ltd
13, rue du Pré Saint Gervais
75019 Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 42 38 36 49
Fax: +33 (0)1 40 40 70 08


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