Tuesday, March 06, 2007

SOAF Update

Here is a summary of what we are currently arranging for SOAF. We encourage you to make comments and suggestions.

1. We have now established an affiliation with the National Union of Journalists, Paris on the basis of four main points: (a) The NUJ Paris news letter will be sent out to SOAF members prior to the monthly business meeting of NUJ Paris on the last Tuesday of every month at the Bourse du Travail, on the north side of the Place de la République, Paris, followed by a dinner; all members are welcome to attend these monthly meetings as well as the dinner (and very congenial it is, too, where you can meet the best British freelancers in Paris); (b) NUJ Paris has access to the SOAF blogspot -- www.soafrance.blogspot.com ; (c) SOAF and NUJ Paris will combine to provide information to their members on the French Sécurité Sociale; (d) SOAF and NUJ Paris will combine in the organization of various social and cultural activities.
At the NUJ Paris meeting of 27 February 2007 it was decided to establish a Working Party of three SOAF members and three NUJ Paris members to investigate other possible areas of affiliation. If you would like to be a member of this Working Party, do let us know.
Do let us have your comments and suggestions on this.

2. We are working on an affiliation with AngloINFO, a Paris-based British organisation that advertises and collects information on English-speaking cultural activities in France. AngloINFO works closely with English-speaking universities, university departments and colleges in France. It has access to information concerning the latest developments in the huge English-speaking communities that we have seen established in France over the last few years. One of the areas where AngloINFO will be of great interest to SOAF members is book promotion. Watch this blog for further developments.
And naturally your comments are appreciated.

3. As announced in earlier postings, we are working with ADECRI, the international affiliate of the French social security system, to set up a joint SOAF-NUJ meeting in Paris where a presentation will be made in English on the French Sécu.

4. We are investigating the possibility of establishing a monthly SOAF Happy Hour in Paris. If any of you know of a good pub or wine bar in town that you think we ought to consider do let us know now. We are thinking of the first Thursday of every month. Nothing replaces physical contact between members: it is the best way to exchange ideas, talk about books, the problems we encounter in producing them, how to promote them and generally just to get to know each other. We encourage members in other regions of France to set up their own Happy Hour. This could be done through the Networking List.
Send us your suggestions.

5. An updated Networking List will be forwarded to you shortly. NEW MEMBERS OF SOAF: For your name to be added to this list, we do need your formal permission, which must be emailed to Gregor Dallas -- available in all correspondence you have had with me, as well as in my email circulars sent out from head office, Society of Authors, London.
Any comments?

6. We have to start thinking about the organisation of our next annual meeting in Autumn 2007. Some have recommended that this coincide with a local literary festival, while others hold that literary festivals are not terribly interesting -- to the point that were we to organise a meeting at such a festival this would be a reason for members not attending. Do give us your opinion.
As venue we are considering some place outside Paris. I have received several recommendations that it be held in or near Nice. We certainly have a large number of members in this part of France.
Do let us know where you would like the meeting to take place, whether it should be coordinated with some other event and, if possible, suggest us an actual location.


Blogger Soaf Member said...

Nice sounds good but if in Autumn please avoid Cheltenham Literary Festival in October.

7/3/07 12:07 AM  

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